Sunday 14 February 2016

Third Meeting

3rd Meeting Feb 14th 1870




Five members only at this third meeting, Mond absent. Education, Superstition and Miracles were discussed, and it is apparent they were delicate topics requiring an element of caution in what was said. It was difficult to get unanimous agreement and a formal vote was taken to continue the discussion to 11pm.

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transcript:                                                                        7                                           

Feb 14th 1870

Meeting held at J.L.Muspratt's house.
Present. J.L. Muspratt (chairman), H. Brunner,
J.T.Brunner, W.A. Watts, E. Carey
"Education" Definitions proposed.
The cultivation & development of the human
faculties.                                      Onward & upward
Education is the drawing forth & training
of all the faculties of the body & mind
                                                      Palman qui meruit ferat
Education is the systematic drawing out &
training of the powers of the mind.
Education is a knowledge of facts.
                            Erin go Bragh
Education is the development of useful powers.
Education. Definition agreed to.
Education is the process of bringing to perfection
the powers of intelligent beings.
                                                        Passed unanimously


                                                        Feb 14th 1870

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"Superstition" Definitions proposed.
Superstition is the belief in that which is
contrary to the weight of evidence.
                                                    Onward & upward
Superstition is belief grounded on insufficient
evidence.                                 Palman qui meruit ferat
Superstition is the belief in anything which
is not supported by scientific evidence.
                                                 Erin go Bragh
Superstition is the belief in that which implies
a low conception of the Deity
Superstition is belief in the supernatural
unwarranted by sufficient evidence.
Superstition                              Paulatim
               question put to the vote.
If the word supernatural & its equivalent is to be
based? on this definition
For. Palman qui meruit ferat, Onward & upward,
                         Nemo & Paulatim
Against. Erin go Bragh
Definition agreed to by Erin go Bragh & Onward & upward
Superstition is the belief in that which appears

Feb. 14th 1870

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contrary to the knoown laws of nature.
The above with the word"???? insufficient
evidence" was agreed to by Palman qui etc &
            Minority                      Paulatim.
Nemo also adhered to his own definition
Each ??? of these proposed by J.L.Muspratt & seconded
by J.T.Brunner "That this meeting be continued
till eleven o'clock.
Miracle  Definitions proposed
Miracle is a phenomenon beyond the powers
of human beings to produce, called into?
existence to demonstrate a proposition.
                                               Palman qui meruit ferat
Miracle is that phenomenon which is contrary
to the laws of nature            Erin go Bragh
Miracle is a direct manifestation of the divine
power contrary to the known laws of nature.
Miracle is a phenomenon which is an infraction
of a law of nature                 Onward & upward
Miracle is an apparent violation of natural
law                                          Paulatim
                                                        Feb. 14th 1870

File ref. h1500-QCQC_08R

Next meeting February 28th 

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