Monday 27 March 2017

Nineteenth and Final Meeting March 27 1871



March 27th 1871
Meeting at Mr H. Brunner’s house
Present. Messrs. H. Brunner, L. Mond, E. Carey,
Mr A. Watts, J.L.Muspratt, J.T. Brunner.
Words. Charity, Sympathy, Philanthropy.
Definitions proposed
Charity is a feeling which tends to do the best
for & think the best of others Nemo
Charity is the desire to alleviate the sufferings
of others Unversagt
Charity is a feeling with or for others accompanied
when necessary with action on their behalf.
Charity is that quality which prompts an
individual to benefit others at a sacrifice to
himself. Palmam qui meruit ferat
Charity is doing that which we desire to be done
[to one] Erin go Bragh
Charity is kindness of feeling
Onward & upward
Charity is good will to mankind
(recorded in absentia)
March 27th 1871

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Definition agreed to
Charity is a quality which prompts one to do
the best for & think the best of others.
———————————— Unanimous
Definitions proposed Sympathy
Sympathy is feeling for or with the feelings
of others. Nemo
Sympathy is the power of sharing the feelings
of others. Unversagt
Sympathy is feeling with others. Paulatim
Sympathy is the act of feeling with others as if
in the same circumstances. Palmam (qui meruit ferat)
Sympathy is the act of feeling with others.
Erin go Bragh
Sympathy is the act of feeling with others.
Onwards & upwards
Sympathy is a feeling which depends upon &
varies with the feeling of some other person or object.
(recorded in absentia) Gradatim
Majority. Sympathy is the act of feeling with others.
Onward, Palman, Erin, Paulatim
Minority. Sympathy is feeling for or with the
feelings of others. Nemo, Unversagt

March 27th 1871

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Definitions proposed.
Philanthropy is love of human kind.
Philanthropy is the feeling that prompts
self-sacrifice for the general well-being
Philanthropy is [world wide] charity
Philanthropy is love for fellow men
Palman qui meruit ferat
Philanthropy is active charity
Erin go Bragh
Philanthropy is the feeling which leads one
to help suffering humanity
Onward & upward
Philanthropy is love for the human race
Gradatim (recorded in absentia)

March 27th 1871

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Definitions agreed to
Philanthropy is the feeling which prompts
[devotion to the welfare] of the human race.
Proposed by Erin go Bragh
Agreed to by Onward & upward, Unversagt
Philanthropy is love for the human race.
Proposed by Palmam qui meruit ferat
Agreed to by Nemo, Paulatim

March 27th 1871

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Monday 13 March 2017

Eighteenth Meeting March 13 1871



Meeting at Mr J.T.Brunner’s house.
March 13th 1871

Present. Messrs. J.T.Brunner, Carey, Mond, Muspratt
and Watts

Words. Satire, Fascination

Definitions proposed.

Satire is wit directed so as to attempt to reform
a social abuse. Erin go Bragh
Satire is that species of humour which has for
its object the enforcement of a moral principle.
Palmam qui meruit ferat
Satire is the expression of severe condemnation.
Onward & upward
Satire is an expression which condemns by its
[implied] rather than by its literal meaning.
Satire is offensive wit. Unversagt

Definitions agreed to
Minority. Satire is that species of humour which
has for its object the enforcement of a [moral]
(principle). Palmam (qui meruit ferat)
Majority. Satire is an expression which condemns by
its implied meaning.
Paulatim, Onward & upward, Unversagt, Erin go Bragh.
March 13th 1871

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Fascination. Definitions proposed
Fascination is the controlling of the voluntary
action of some external influence.
Palmam qui meruit ferat
Fascination is involuntary subjection to the
influence of some object. Paulatim
Fascination is the power of absorbing the
attention for a period of time. Erin go Bragh
Fascination is the power to please. Unversagt.
Fascination is intense [admiration].
Onward & upward

Definitions agreed to.
Fascination is that power which causes
the subjection of the will to some external
influence. Agreed to unanimously.


March 13th 1871

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Friday 3 March 2017

Seventeenth Meeting March 3rd 1871



Meeting at Mr Muspratt’s house.
March 3rd. 1871
Present Messrs Muspratt, Raven, Carey, Mond,
J.T.Brunner & Watts
Words Wit, [Humour], Satire
Wit is the power of perceiving surprising relations
between things not apparently connected.
Onward & upward.
Wit is the talent to point out the ridiculous in
subjects Unversagt
Wit is the association of ideas which appear in
[???] [manner?] so as to be pleasurable.
Erin go Bragh
Wit is a [resemblance] of ideas causing surprise
& pleasure. Gradatim
Wit is an expression which [amuses] by its I’m-
-plied rather than by its literal meaning
Wit is a mode of satisfying the natural
appreciation of the human mind for the
ludicrous, which consists in discovering an
artificial resemblance between things not [??]-
-erally connected.
Palmam qui meruit ferat
Mar 3rd 1871

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Definition agreed to
Wit is that quality of [an] expression which is
amusing by the relation between its implies
& its literal meaning.
Agreed to unanimously.
Humour is pathetic wit. Erin go Bragh
Humour is good natural wit Unversagt
Humour —- wit Gradatim
Humour is that quality which satisfies the appreci-
-ation of the human mind for the ludicrous.
Palmam qui meruit ferat
Humour is the power of amusing. Onward & upward
Humour is that faculty which perceives that which
indicates an amusing exception. Paulatim
Definitions agreed to
Humour is that quality of expression which [????]
them amusing. Palmam qui meruit ferat
Onward & upward, Unversagt, Gradatim, Paulatim
Humour is pathetic wit
Erin go Bragh


Mar 3rd. 1871

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Monday 30 January 2017

Sixteenth Meeting January 30th 1871

"Cant is German philosophy."


Meeting Mr Muspratt’s house, Jan 30th 1871
Present - Messrs. Muspratt, Carey, Watts, Brunner
Raven, Jekyll.
Words. Cant, Slang, Wit, Humour, Satire.
Cant is the affectation of being that which
you are not. Nescio quid
Cant is the affectation of dogma.
(recorded in absentia) I bide my time
Cant is a needless use of technical terms.
Palmam qui meruit ferat
Cant is German philosophy.
Cant is the use of language which tends to
make persons seem what they are not.
Erin go bragh.
Cant is the employment in ordinary conversa-
-tion or writing of terms peculiar to a particular
profession. Nemo
Definition proposed.
Cant is a needless use of technical terms.
Agreed to by: Paulatim
Palmam qui meruit ferat

Jan 30th 1871

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Cant is the use of language which tends to make
persons seem what they are not.
Agreed to by: I bide my time, Gradatim
Erin go bragh
Cant is unnecessary technicality.
Slang is a vulgar use of words in other than
their natural meanings.
Palmam qui meruit ferat
Slang is a vulgar [term] used in the place of
the one commonly & properly employed.
Slang is vulgar technical terms.
Erin go bragh
Slang is a popular method of conveying slight
shades of meaning. Nescio quid.
Slang is the cant of low life, i.e. the
needless use of terms usually employed by those
who move in [fast?] or low society. Nemo.


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Definition proposed.
Slang is a vulgar use of words in other than
their ordinary [acceptation?].
Agreed to by: Palmam qui meruit ferat, Nemo
Erin go brag, Nescio quid, Gradatim
Slang is low cant. Paulatim

Wit is language which is amusing by its im-
-plicit rather than by its literal meaning.
Wit is the suggestion of an amusing [surveillance??].
or contrast. Nescio quid
Wit is a faculty of the imagination which enables
its possessor to give ideas a pleasing form.
Wit is a rapid detection of the similarity of
ideas. Gradatim
Wit is that language which causes laughter in
educated minds. Erin go bragh
Paulatim seconded his definition by substituting
“an expression” for language.
Wit is an unexpected association of ideas not -

Jan 30th 1871

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naturally connected, so as to satisfy the
appreciation of the human mind for the
ludicrous. Palmam qui meruit ferat
No definition was arrived at but the con-
-sideration of this word was postponed until
the next meeting.


Jan 30th 1871

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Monday 16 January 2017

Fifteenth Meeting January 16 1871

With the Franco-Prussian War entering its final days it's likely that our cosmopolitan group would be discussing the Siege of Paris. On the day they they met, the Liverpool Mercury reported extensively on the siege, and, then as now, reflected disgust at the suffering of the civilian population. Perhaps it was no coincidence that "Civilisation" and "Barbarism" were selected for discussion that night.

Liverpool Mercury 16th January 1871.

French Protest Against the Bombardment Paris.

“Prussian shells appear to have been wantonly launched against hospitals, ambulances, churches, schools and prisons, making numerous innocent females and children their victims. No means had been afforded them to provide for this unexpected aggravation of suffering”.
“The exigencies of war can never be an excuse for the shelling of private buildings, the massacre of peaceful citizens, and the destruction of refuges and hospitals. Suffering and weakness always find mercy at the hands of force; if force is not disarmed by them it is dishonoured”.


Meeting at Mr Raven’s house
Jan 16th 1871
Present. Messrs. Raven, H.Brunner, (JL)Muspratt, Mond
and Watts
Words. Cant, [Slang], Civilisation, Barbarism
Resolved - that in Mr Carey’s absence the words
Cant & [Slang] be postponed.
Word taken - Civilisation.
Civilisation is the development of the intellect
and moral qualities of nations.
Civilisation is that state of society in which
men to some extent recognise the rights of others.
Civilisation is the refinement generated by the
intercourse of citizens. Gradatim
Civilisation is the progress of a nation or
community in knowledge.
Palmam qui meruit ferat
Erin go bragh amends his definition by
striking out the word “physical”.
Definition proposed
Civilisation is the development of the -
Jan 16th 1871

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-intellectual & moral qualities of communities.
Agreed to by - Erin go bragh, Unversagt,
Palmam qui meruit ferat.
Civilisation is that state of society in which
men to some extent recognise the equal rights
of others.         Nemo
Civilisation is the refinement generated by
the intercourse of citizens. Gradatim
Civilisation is the mental & physical devel-
-opment of the human race.
Erin go bragh
Civilisation is the progress of a community
towards the attainment of its highest
collective & individual development.
Recorded in Paulatim’s absence.
Word taken - Barbarism.
Barbarism is a state of society in which the
rights of the stronger is the greater right.
Barbarism is the absence of civilisation
Palmam qui meruit ferat
Jan 16th 1871

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Barbarism is a state of [un?]civilisation.
Barbarism is the absence of development in
nations. Erin go bragh
Definition proposed.
Barbarism is the uncivilised state of communities.
Agreed to by        Unversagt
Erin go bragh
Palma qui meruit ferat
Barbarism is the state of society in which the
right of the stronger is the greater right.
Barbarism in the uncivilised absence
Recorded in Paulatim’s absence.

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Next meeting: January 30th 1871

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Fourteenth Meeting

Fourteenth Meeting January 3rd 1871

Some new faces at this first meeting of 1871 at Carey's house, namely W.R.Jekyll, a chemist in Gaskell, Deacon’s and Sydney Muspratt, the brother of James Liebig Muspratt). It seems that Sydney Muspratt employed two pseudonyms, "Sans changer" and "I bide my time". Jekyll was "Nescio quid".

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Meeting at Mr Carey’s house.

January 3rd 1871

Present. Messrs. Carey (Paulatim), (H.)Brunner (Nemo), Mond (Unversagt), Watts (Palmam qui meruit ferat), (J.L.)Muspratt (Erin go bragh), Jekyll (Nescio quid), S. Muspratt (Sans changer).

Words. Honour, Vulgarity, [Cant?], [xx].

Honour is the standard by which men measure
their actions toward one another. Nemo
Honour is a tacitly accepted code of laws, adopted
by the majority, and assumed to be based on
morality, which regulate the conduct of individuals
towards one another. Palmam qui
Honour is a sentiment which takes the force of
law among a community.
Erin go Bragh
Honour is a sense of duty arising from [every day??]
social conventions.
Honour among thieves. (Nescio quid)
Honour is the individual’s standard of self respect.
Honour is the expression of virtue
I bide my time
Honour is the [reputation] of the virtuous.
Jan 3rd 1871

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Vote taken that Honour is a real attribute & not
[a] [reputation] [xxxxx]
Ayes. Erin go Bragh
Honour among thieves (changed to Nescio quid)
Palmam qui meruit ferat
No. I bide my time
Definition proposed.
Honour is the source of what self-respect demands
based upon largely social conventions.
Agreed unanimously.


Vulgarity is that which in action or language
is repulsive to the educated mind.
Erin go Bragh
Vulgarity is the striving to seem rather than to
be. Paulatim
Vulgarity is the illustration of [vulgarity?]
I bide my time
Vulgarity is failing to conform to the [standards]-

Jan 3rd 1871


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-of the majority. Palmam qui meruit ferat
Vulgarity is [non]conformity with the habits &
manners of society to the inconvenience & dis-
-comfort of others. Honour among thieves
Vulgarity is what is abhorrent to the taste of
educated men Unversagt
Vulgarity is that in manners or language
which offends against good taste(s).

Definitions proposed.
Vulgarity is that which is offensive to good
taste. Agreed to by Palmam qui meruit ferat
I bide my time
Vulgarity is that which in action or language
is repulsive to the educated mind.
Erin go Bragh
Honour among thieves (Nescio quid)
Vulgarity is the striving to [second rate? xx to be]

Mr Raven was proposed as a member of the
“Qu’est-ce que c’est” & accepted unanimously.


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Jan 3rd 1871