Friday 3 March 2017

Seventeenth Meeting March 3rd 1871



Meeting at Mr Muspratt’s house.
March 3rd. 1871
Present Messrs Muspratt, Raven, Carey, Mond,
J.T.Brunner & Watts
Words Wit, [Humour], Satire
Wit is the power of perceiving surprising relations
between things not apparently connected.
Onward & upward.
Wit is the talent to point out the ridiculous in
subjects Unversagt
Wit is the association of ideas which appear in
[???] [manner?] so as to be pleasurable.
Erin go Bragh
Wit is a [resemblance] of ideas causing surprise
& pleasure. Gradatim
Wit is an expression which [amuses] by its I’m-
-plied rather than by its literal meaning
Wit is a mode of satisfying the natural
appreciation of the human mind for the
ludicrous, which consists in discovering an
artificial resemblance between things not [??]-
-erally connected.
Palmam qui meruit ferat
Mar 3rd 1871

File ref. h1500-QCQC_26L.jpg



Definition agreed to
Wit is that quality of [an] expression which is
amusing by the relation between its implies
& its literal meaning.
Agreed to unanimously.
Humour is pathetic wit. Erin go Bragh
Humour is good natural wit Unversagt
Humour —- wit Gradatim
Humour is that quality which satisfies the appreci-
-ation of the human mind for the ludicrous.
Palmam qui meruit ferat
Humour is the power of amusing. Onward & upward
Humour is that faculty which perceives that which
indicates an amusing exception. Paulatim
Definitions agreed to
Humour is that quality of expression which [????]
them amusing. Palmam qui meruit ferat
Onward & upward, Unversagt, Gradatim, Paulatim
Humour is pathetic wit
Erin go Bragh


Mar 3rd. 1871

File ref. h1500-QCQC_26R.jpg

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